RE/MAX affiliates across the U.S. and Canada have reached remarkable milestones in their support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and the millions of kids who receive life-saving medical care each year.

Since 1992, RE/MAX agents have donated nearly $210 million to Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals in the U.S. and Canada. It’s happened through systematic donations, impactful efforts and creative initiatives year round – many of which take place during one particularly special month.

In 2024, August marked the 13th annual RE/MAX Month of Miracles, an extended celebration of the RE/MAX network’s ongoing support of CMN Hospitals. Throughout the month, agents and offices found creative ways to donate their time and money to make a big difference.

Some hosted fundraising events, while others collected supplies to benefit children undergoing medical treatment. And many affiliates participated in the RE/MAX Miracle Home and Miracle Property Program, a flagship element of the brand’s charitable partnership.

The RE/MAX Broker Owner Conference also took place during August, and during the event’s annual Ice Cream Social and CMN Hospitals Auction, attendees raised more than $15,000 in one day. This comes on the heels of the RE/MAX R4 convention in March, where more than $109,000 was raised for CMN Hospitals.

The generosity of the RE/MAX network knows no bounds, and the commitment of affiliates to helping kids and families is an ongoing endeavor.

RE/MAX and CMN Hospitals: Partnership highlights

  • RE/MAX affiliates have donated nearly $210 million since 1992
  • 12 million kids are treated every year by a member children’s hospital
  • The CMN Hospitals partnership supports 170 hospitals across the U.S. and Canada
  • Thousands of RE/MAX agents participate in the RE/MAX Miracle Home and Miracle Property Program

In 2023 alone, RE/MAX agents across the U.S. and Canada donated more than $12 million to the cause. Check out the full 2023 Impact Report here.

RE/MAX Miracle Home and Miracle Property Program

All year long, many RE/MAX agents take part in the RE/MAX Miracle Home and Miracle Property Program, where they leverage their real estate business to support their local CMN Hospitals affiliate.

When RE/MAX agents designate a listing as a “Miracle Home” or “Miracle Property,” they pledge to make a donation – on behalf of their client – to CMN Hospitals when the transaction closes. The Miracle Home designation is for residential transactions and the Miracle Property designation is for commercial transactions.

Best of all, when an agent makes a donation to CMN Hospitals, the money stays local, benefitting the CMN Hospitals affiliate in their area.

In addition to the program and all sorts of other efforts, many RE/MAX affiliates also:

  • Make one-time monetary donations
  • Volunteer at their local area member hospital
  • Donate in-kind items directly to their local area member hospital
  • Host supply drives

Why the RE/MAX network’s support of CMN Hospitals matters

Every day, thousands of kids enter a CMN Hospital seeking care – some of them fighting for their lives.

CMN Hospitals has collectively raised more than $9 billion for its 170 member hospitals since 1983, helping ensure that every patient receives the best possible treatment. The proof is in the numbers, as CMN Hospitals treats:

  • 12,721 kids for emergencies every day
  • 1,890 kids for diabetes every day
  • 1,718 kids for cancer every day
  • 814 babies in the NICU/newborn ICU every day
  • 72 kids who are seen by a member hospital every minute

“On behalf of the millions of kids who benefit from our efforts, we extend a heartfelt thank you to the RE/MAX network,” CMN Hospitals shares. “Through the power of our network, we are uniting to change kids’ health and change the future. We can’t do it without you and are grateful for your tireless support.”

With care for their community at the core of their business, RE/MAX agents are able to make a real difference in the lives of others every single day.

Article originally appeared on RE/

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